Our Workforce
Full-Time Employees
Part-Time Employees
Casual or Contractors
Employment Opportunities at H2Marine include;
- The provision of both short- and long-term employment in the construction of the facility and ongoing operation of H2 Marine Whitsunday
- The immediate employment of up to 38 local and regional contractors to build and fit out the construction hall and training facility
- The creation of 12 new full-time jobs employed directly by H2 Marine to manufacture and fit out new commercial boats.
- Create the first Hydrogen Fuel Cell training facility employing specialised professionals in the training of Safety Management procedures and operation and use of hydrogen as a fuel for the transport industry.
- The engagement of 47 contractors during the 22-month construction of H2Rendezvous project.
- By offering onsite training and employment, H2 Marine will attract and create a new generation of highly skilled workers to the region specialising in advanced boat building techniques and Hydrogen fuel cell technology.
- H2 Marine will assist in the rectification of the current workforce training and education deficiencies in our region, specifically addressing critical skills shortages and labour supply by the creation of our new training facility. A key outcome will be the introduction of sustainable long-term employment opportunities in vessel construction and the hydrogen fuel cell transportation industry in our region and more broadly in QLD and Australia wide.
Get In Touch
Are you interested in being part of Australia's first hydrogen powered team or just want to learn more ...